Amanecemos es éste bonito cottage y decidimos ir de excursión para llegar al restaurante y desayunar. 

Ésta vez Kim decide coger otro rumbo, ya que no vemos la piscina que sí vimos ayer, pero llegamos al destino. Desayunamos y al volver a la habitación número 600….resulta que está al lado de la recepción….comorrrrrrr….no me lo puedo creer, si llevamos tres excursiones por estos lindos senderos…. 

En fin, cerramos maletas y quedamos en que nos enviaran al tuk tuk en 10 minutos para llevar los maletones a la recepción, donde habíamos pedido el taxi para el aeropuerto. 

Entre sendero y sendero, encontramos este caracol, tamaño XXL 

Hoy tocaba poner rumbo a las cálidas costas tailandesas y dejar atrás la lluvia y el mal tiempo del norte del país. 
Pero esperamos 10 minutos, y 15 y no viene nadie, así que nos toca tirar de los maletas para la recepción. Ya estaba el taxi esperando y nos vamos al aeropuerto.
En la misma entrada del aeropuerto de Chiang Rai, pasa el equipaje el control y a Kim le hacen abrir su maleta porque ven algo raro en su “regulador” y ella se mosquea porque yo he pasado antes y a mi no me han hecho abrir la maleta. 
Mientras que ella está con el de seguridad, busco donde hacer el check- in, porque el taxista nos dejó en el aeropuerto internacional pero nosotras hoy cogíamos un vuelvo doméstico. Tras dar un par de vueltas, y eso que el aeropuerto no es muy grande, decido preguntar en información y me dicen donde es la facturación. Kim ya ha acabado y facturamos, yo rápidamente (aunque la maleta pesa 23 kg….algo que sigo sin entender, porque he sacado lo más pesado, para evitar que me digan nada) y Kim más lentamente, porque ella factura también el trolley y tiene que pagar la segunda maleta. 
Una vez superados estos pequeños trajines, decidimos tomarnos un café con fundamento ya que el del hotel no sirve para nada y pasamos el control de seguridad y veo que ya en la puerta 4, que es nuestra supuesta puerta, hay cola para embarcar. Me coloco en la cola y Kim me sigue….y cuando doy la tarjeta de embarque..piiiiiiiiii….que no es mi vuelo…jajajaja
Pues nos vamos a los asientos y esperamos que terminen de embarcar ese vuelo. Terminan, es la hora de nuestro embarque y no hay nada en la pantalla, la megafonía no dice nada. Se acerca otra pareja con nuestro mismo destino y le dicen que esperen…
Vuelvo para atrás de nuevo con la información, no hay pantallas informativas, ni paneles informativos…Kim se empieza a agobiar porque no quiere perder el vuelo. Veo que hay una sala VIP de la compañía aérea con alguien dentro, de modo que me acerco a preguntar. Me dice la señorita que el vuelo está retrasado una media hora. Ahora ya vuelvo con información más fiable. Nos sentamos. Nos relajamos.y antes de la media hora, empieza una nueva cola en la puerta 3….miramos y es nuestra compañía Smile Thai….al rato vemos el número de vuelo…..es el nuestro.

Embarcamos y vemos como suben las maletas, me entretengo comprobando que las nuestras vienen.


En un periquete nos reparten unas bolsitas, que son supernovas y pienso llevarme una para llevar el desayuno al trabajo…pero luego lo pienso dos veces, si no tengo ni un mínimo hueco…desisto de mi idea ingeniosa.

Llegamos a Bangkok con media hora larga de retraso tanto, que casi tenemos que correr para coger el siguiente avión, pero llegamos a tiempo. 

Esta vez no vamos sentadas juntas sino en filas diferentes. 

Cuando aterrizamos yo voy directa al baño, Kim a la cinta a por las maletas. Al salir del baño oigo mi nombre con sonido estruendoso….es Kim que me reclama…¿qué habrá pasado? Nuestras maletas no han llegado. Nos están pidiendo los datos del alojamiento para llevárnoslas después cuando lleguen con el vuelo de las 18.35. Nos dicen que a las 19.00 llegaran nuestras maletas. 

Hacemos el papeleo y ya estaba fuera el taxista esperándonos para llevarnos a nuestro alojamiento airbnb. 
Al llegar nos recibe Ritar, y nos acompaña a nuestro “cottage”, y yo que pensaba que había reservado una habitación solo y resulta que tenemos hasta saloncito….yupiiiiii

 La verdad que el sitio nos encanta y la dueña es un encanto también. Decidimos ya que inexplicablemente el mal tiempo nos ha acompañado a estos lares, a tomarnos la tarde con calma. Total no tenemos maletas, vamos a estar agobiadas y está lloviendo….lo mejor….descansar y actualizar blog.

A eso de la 6 nos da por ir al mercado, a echar un ojo y ver si encontramos algún sitio para cenar. Nos sorprende la cantidad de musulmanes que hay en esta zona, porque en el norte no vimos ninguno. Vemos incluso una mezquita.  

 No encontramos ningún sitio que nos guste del todo, así que decidimos comprar unas frutas y unas verduras en el mercado, pasar por el super a por pan y alguna cosa más y volvernos a casa a esperar la llegada del equipaje.

A las 7 no han llegado las maletas, ni a las 7.30 tampoco. Así que llamo al número de teléfono que me han dado, no responde nadie. Vuelvo a llamar,  no responden. Vuelvo a llamar me cogen, me preguntan nombre que vuelo, que hotel, en fin al rato me dicen que están de camino. Las maletas llegan a las 21.00  

Ahora ya podemos acostarnos tranquilas…aunque al mirar la previsión del tiempo para los próximos días casi me da un patatús

Day 11, 15-12-2018: Transfer to the south

Today is travel transfer day as we are to fly from Chiang Rai to Bangkok then on to Krabi. We can relax a bit because the van will not be here to get us until about 09:00. I have just decided not to deal with the trolley on the plane and pay the extra to check the bag. So, I attempt to get the big bag down in weight and increase the trolley, since I am going to pay for it anyway. 
We take a scenic walk again of the resort (just trying to find our way). We make it to the restaurant and find the buffet style breakfast waiting for us. Rough coffee, interesting choices for food, better service. We eat and start our walk back adventure. We stop at the reception desk and ask for the bell hop to come with the electric tuk tuk in 15 minutes to our cottage to help gather the bags for our transfer. We walk on and discover how incredible close we have been to everything right from the start – map in the room would have been helpful.
We put the finishing touches on the packing and wait ……. And wait ……. And wait a little bit more. Time has come for us to go so we grab our bags and wheel them ourselves (thankfully the ground is paved and has no steps) to reception. We pay the balance on the bill, advise them that the bell hop never came for our bags, load bags into the van, and we are off for the airport.
Speaks English Speaks very little English
Free transfer to the airport Pay for transfer to the airport
Bell Hop does arrive for bags Bell Hop does NOT arrive for bags
Wonderful service in restaurant Okay to rude restaurant service
Comfortable bed         Very hard bed
Regular room         Upgraded the room

Nevertheless, we made it to our transfer and to the airport. Now, Thai airports are interesting as they have a security at the actual entrance to the airport and then there will be another security check to get to the gates. So, through the first security we go – well, Cris goes. I get stopped and they open my big bag. This is the bag of all my diving gear so I am guessing they are looking for the regulator (that is what normally sets off the check as most people have no idea what it is). The guy moves things around …… and moves things around …… and smiles at me and moves more things around. I ask what he is looking for so maybe I can assist him with the location. He just smiles and moves more things around. He takes out my BCD (I have one that folds up for easy packing) and puts it aside to rescan (very confused look on his face) then he continues the check. He finally opens the other side of the bag and now starts to move everything around on that side too. Finally, I get tired of him touching everything and rearranging everything that I grab the regulator bag and hand it to him. He looks confused. I tell him “I am sure this is what you are looking for”. He looks confused and slowly starts to open it. He has no idea what is inside the bag, just that there are some hoses and a metal piece. He puts both the BCD and regulator bag back into the scanner. Cris is waiting …. And waiting ….. and finally comes up to see what the hold up is about. I do not understand why I get stopped and she does not when she has the basically the same equipment as I do ….. except for the metal piece on the regulator, hers is plastic.

Finally, through with the first security check, then we are off to find the queue for the check in. Wait again for a bit and get to the counter. Load the bags up for weight and the lady looks at me: “You want to check 2 bags?? Are you sure??” “Yes, I am sure.” “You have to pay.” “Yes, I know.” I hand her my credit card. “No pay here. Take this ticket to that counter and pay there then come back with receipt.” “Do I have to requeue?” “No. Just come up to the counter.” Get out of line with ticket for extra baggage. Go to different counter. Hand them the ticket and credit card. They look confused. I tell them that I need to pay for an extra bag. They look confused. They talk among themselves. They figure out how to run the credit card. I get my receipt. I go back to the first desk and quickly am received. Get my boarding passes. 

We decide to get a coffee as we do not know what is beyond security and the airport is not that big. Good coffee (so much better than the one with breakfast). Go through second security scan to the gate area. Yup, coffee on this side too. No worries as the first place had comfortable seating. We find Gate 4 because that is where we are told the plane will be at in moments. In fact, it is queue time and there is a queue so Cris jumps right in, just like a pro. So, I follow suit, thinking that she knows what is up. As she is in front of me, I watch her as she approaches the gate attendant ……. Suddenly, she steps out of line!! I follow suit again and ask what is up – wrong flight. Okay, no worries. We find a place to stash ourselves as we wait for the call of our plane. Boarding time creeps on with no call …… and we wait ……. And we wait ……. And we hear delays for other flights but not ours ……. Cris goes and asks a gate person and he points her right back to her gate ……. We wait ……. Cris goes and asks someone else inside of a Thai Smile (the airline we are to take) and comes back to tell me that the plane is delayed by 20 minutes or so. Okay, an announcement would have been nice. We wait some more. We finally see movement at the gate with Thai Smile people …… then no activity ……. Then a rush of activity to Gate 3 …… then the announcement that the flight is now at Gate 3. Mad rush to queue at Gate 3 because not only is it the announcement that the gate has been changed but they are now boarding all rows – that was quick!!

We find our seats and Cris has the perfect vantage point to make sure our bags get on the plane. In fact, she takes pictures of the bags (this turns out to be very useful). Now, we had scheduled a 1:20hour layover in Bangkok, more than enough time to make the plane transfer – until you have 30 minutes of that layover sudden vanish from a delay. Uneventful flight and we are close to the front so we can get off fast, hopefully. Land in Bangkok ….. get taxi airplane tour of the tarmac …… finally come to a stop on the tarmac …… get off plane to bus ……. Wait for bus to fill with people ……. Bus takes scenic tour of tarmac ……. Finally get off bus, find departure board and we have to go to the other end of the terminal, of course!! Now, our little layover is a mad dash to the next plane. Moving people out of the way by saying “Sorry, late for the connection” and actually walking on the people movers. Make it just in time for literally the last boarding call …… to get on a bus …… that takes us literally 5 planes down from the one we just got off of!! 

Cris, the ever optimist, says that the bags will make the transfer. I say they will not. We shall see once we get to Krabi. Right now, I am just happy to be on the plane that claims to be heading to Krabi. I have the essentials in the backpack so I can survive for a night without the bags. Cris and I are separated on the flight to Krabi but no worries as we can manage. At my seat location, I have 2 people in the row as I am to have the window seat. So that they do not have to get up, I offer them the right to move over and take my window. They do not want to move over ….. and they look at me weird when I ask them to get up so I can enter my seat. I just shrug and say “Either you have to move over or get up so I can get my seat. Sorry, delay made me late.” The lady insists on having the aisle so they finally get up to let me have access. I guess I shall enjoy the view from the plane.

Here is just part of the Bangkok airport – hence why we had to run and almost miss our plane.

Here is just part of the metropolis that is Bangkok.

We fly through the clouds to the bright blue wonder!!

 I am surrounded by people who, when the snack arrives, all have dietary restrictions. The flight attendant informs each of them that they do not have any special meals on the plane, only the ones for the people who previously requested a special snack get the special snack (all vegetarians - I would have thought they would have known better by now). As we had to run to the plane, we were unable to make a quick stop (the one everyone needs after a flight) so I attempt to get up only to find my row mates have decided to sleep for the flight!! Why, oh why do you need the aisle seat if you are just going to sleep on his shoulder??!! So, with slight pain and agony, I attempt to settle into my seat for an interesting snack (some kind of sandwich item with the funky sausage of the country). Work on the dairy a bit, read a bit, listen to music as there is just clouds and bright sun to see. 

As we descend into Krabi, we still have clouds and a beautiful view of the coast.

Looks like rain here – for the dry season.

Yup, confirmed rain we have as you can tell from the photo. So happy we are traveling during the dry season.

Land at a quaint airport, with more confirmation of rain.

Since Cris and I are separated on the flight, I get off first. There is one gate and one baggage claim. The airline people are rounding up visitors that have a sticker on their lapel so I decide to go to the baggage claim to gather a trolley for our bags. Cris will find me as the area is small. She does find me, drops her bags, and heads to a quick stop. As I am waiting for the bags to arrive, I hear someone start shouting “Chiang Rai!! Chiang Rai!!” Well ….. we originated in Chiang Rai so I will see what the fuss is about. I say “Yes, we came from Chiang Rai.” “Your bags are not on this flight. They will arrive on the next flight.” OOOOFFFF COURSE they did not make the flight!! They want me to move to a different portion of the airport to fill out paperwork ….. but I have no Cris!! I tell them I must wait for my traveling companion. They say move, I say wait, they say move, I insist on waiting. They want the information for my hotel, I tell them Cris has that and that we cannot move until she arrives. Finally, she arrives and I tell her the news. We move off to the side and start filling out the paperwork for my bags. So, this is when it comes in handing to travel with a paparazzi – since the gentleman we are talking to does not speak English (why would that help?) she brings up the photos of my bags on her phone so he can decipher which code to call them (even though we had already told him which code and color). Then she brings up the address of the Air BnB where we are staying (prefer them to hotels).

Once we get the paperwork on my bags on the way, I head for a quick stop. Come back to have them done with my paperwork but not interested in doing Cris’s paperwork. So, we hunt him down and make him do paperwork on her bag as well. I leave her with him to check on our private taxi as the area is now empty and we do not want him to leave us, thinking that maybe we did not arrive or see his sign. I find him upstairs and tell him we have a slight delay because of the bag paperwork. Cris arrives and off we go in the van.

After a ride of about 30 minutes, we arrive at Relax @ Krabi, our home for the next 4 nights. Ritar, our host, is surprised that we have little baggage. We explain that the bags decided to stay in Bangkok for a quick holiday and are due to arrive on the next flight, hopefully. She shows us to our lovely cottage. Absolutely beautiful and spacious!! Her husband is a painter and the walls are full of his paintings, including a wonderful mural over the beds. We settle in and decide to go to the local market as it is Saturday, the only day for the market. We have some time as the next plane is not due for about 1.5hour plus the 0.5hour drive from the airport and they have to find the bags. We are also very hungry as all we have had to eat is a little breakfast at the hotel and the snacks on the plane.

We set off for the short walk to the market. Awesome local market with very fresh seafood and fruit. We wonder around a bit. I am getting accustom to having to actually duck my head in this country. Now, I am not very tall by American standards, but for Thailand I am just above average height so having my head hit the tarps that are covering the market is something very new to me.

We walk around a bit. Walk part of the town a bit. Decide that instead of going to a restaurant for food that maybe we should get something from the local market and from the local grocery store and settle into our new place and wait for the bags.

We hit the grocery store and find some light sandwich items and milk (as Kim has coffee!!) and go back to the local market for fresh veggies and fruit to round out the meal. Quick walk back to our little cottage and we settle in for a relaxing bite.

So, the plane is due at 18:30 and we have been told that our bags should arrive about 19:30 – sure!! 20:00 comes and goes. Cris calls, no answer. Cris waits a bit and calls again, answer but they do not speak English so she is able to find our host and explain to her what is going on. The bags are on their way – or so they claim. Wait more …… wait more …… wait even longer …… finally, Ritar comes running over and tells us they are here. There is a gate by our cottage and she opens it up for the truck to back in and deliver our bags. Now it is almost 21:00 but we have our bags, which is all that truly matters.

Settle in with our bags, shower, get ready for bed. It has been a long day!! We have decided for tomorrow to just relax and see what the day will bring as we have laundry to do and need to relax after our whirlwind week.


  1. Menos mal que viste embarcar las maletas jajajaja. Otra anecdota mas de este viaje emocionante. Me estoy hasta desconsolando con tanta aventura. Sigan disfrutando chicas

    1. Jajajaja....ahora entiendes mejor mi tipo de viajes, verdad amore....

  2. Después de tanto trasiego de maletas, entra dentro de lo normal.
    Todo solucionado y a seguir chicas.
    Por cierto, chulisimo el cabezal de la cama

    1. El cabezal me encantó desde que lo vi...me da ideas...jijij
      Efectivamente, todo solucionado, las maletas ya están con nosotras....lo gracioso es que en el avión Kim se estaba quejando de que hiciera fotos a las maletas.....y mira que bien vino para la identificación de las mismas y el papeleo...jij


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